Transferrin Test
Transferrin Test
Transferrin test is done to measure the amount of protein transferrin present in the blood. Transferrin is produced by the liver and has a high affinity for iron ions.
This test makes it easier to measure the body’s ability to transport iron in the blood and its reach to the body’s tissues such as the spleen, liver, etc. An overload of iron leads to a condition called hemochromatosis, and a lack of iron leads to a condition called anemia.
Transferrin test is also known as Iron Binding Capacity, IBC, Serum Iron-Binding Capacity, Siderophilin, TIBC, UIBC, Transferrin saturation
Symptoms of Anemia
Extreme tiredness or weakness
Lack of stamina
Pale skin color
Shortness of breath during physical activity
Who should get tested?
Transferrin test is recommended in the following cases
Pregnant women
Women with heavy menstrual bleeding
Individuals suffering from anemia
People suffering from celiac disease e.g. Symptoms like chronic diarrhea
Test preparation:
This test requires a blood sample, which is taken by injecting a needle inside a vein in the arm and collected in a test tube or vial. Before taking this test, a person should be on a fast (no food or drink) for at least 8 to 12 hours. If you are on any medication, herbs, vitamins, or supplements, be sure to bring them to the attention of your healthcare provider before the test
Interpretation of results
Normal value (Unisex-across all age groups): 170-370mg/dl
High levels of transferrin indicate low iron levels in the blood. There could be a high possibility of iron deficiency anemia, and a low transferrin level means that the body is absorbing more iron than is required
What are the risks associated with the transferrin test?
This test does not involve any potential risks. However, you may suffer from a slight stinging pain at the site of needle insertion. This usually lasts for a couple of minutes and resolves on its own
What is the turnaround time (TAT) for transferrin test?
The results of this test are generally available within 2–3 working days after the sample collection is done
Under what situations is a transferrin test generally ordered?
Healthcare providers advise this test under the following circumstances:
·      If there is an iron overload in the blood, which happens due to iron accumulation.
·      If iron poisoning is suspected.
If children are suspected of accidental overdoses on vitamins or supplements containing iron
What causes insufficient iron content in the body?
Insufficient iron content is generally seen in a woman who is pregnant or has excessive menstrual bleeding. Other than this, if the food consumed is deficient in iron or if the body is unable to absorb iron from the diet (e.g., in the case of celiac disease), it results in insufficient iron content in the body
What medical conditions can affect my transferrin test levels?
Certain conditions, such as chronic iron deficiencies, chronic infections, uremia (an increase in blood urea levels), certain cancers (blood), nephrotic syndrome (too much protein leakage from blood into the urine), etc., can affect the test results of transferrin
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1 Test Parameter(s)
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1 Test Parameter(s)
The ferritin test is a very useful and convenient method of determining iron storage status. Ferritin is a valuable tool for the diagnosis of common disease states, such as iron-deficiency anemia, and for the evaluation of hereditary and acquired iron-overload conditions, such as hereditary hemochromatosis (a genetic disorder in whichbody builds up excessive iron in the skin, heart, liver, pancreas, pituitary gland, and joints leading to iron toxicity) and chronic transfusion therapy. Serum ferritin is usually included in the panel of several blood tests routinely prescribed to diagnose and manage these conditions and it is considered the single most useful marker in most populations.
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1 Test Parameter(s)
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Hemoglobin (Hb)
₹ 140-
1 Test Parameter(s)
Red blood cells contain the proteinhemoglobin, which is responsible for transporting oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body and return transport of carbon dioxide from your organs and tissues back to your lungs. The levels of Hb are estimated by this test which is prescribed if an individual has symptoms of anemia such as dizziness, weakness, cold hands and feet, a family history of thalassemia, sickle cell anemia, or other inherited blood disorder, or excessive blood loss because of injury or surgical procedure.
Iron Studies, Basic
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1 Test Parameter(s)
The iron study test is also known as the serum ferritin test. Iron is essential for RBC (red blood cells) formation and for maintaining healthy muscle and organ function. The basic iron study test includes a set of tests to determine the iron levels present in the body. This test is indicated in patients experiencing iron deficiency symptoms like anemia, weakness, fatigue, and inflammatory bowel disease. The test is also used to monitor the effectiveness of iron supplement treatment.
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1 Test Parameter(s)
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