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How Vitamin and Mineral Testing Can Benefit Your Health?

July 22, 2024

Vitamins play a crucial role in maintaining good health, and their deficiency can greatly affect your overall well-being. Some vitamins and minerals are not naturally produced by your body, so it is important to regularly consume them to keep your body strong and healthy.

Evaluating your nutritional status through vitamin and mineral testing enables you to make informed decisions to address any possible deficiencies in your diet. These tests are typically included in regular health check-ups or requested when symptoms of malnutrition are present.

Essential vitamins and minerals

Blood test results provide information on the levels of vital vitamins and minerals that play a role in regulating various bodily processes:

Vitamin A plays a crucial role in maintaining vision, supporting cell division, boosting immunity, and promoting growth.

B vitamins such as vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 are essential for releasing energy from carbohydrates, breaking down fat, and distributing oxygen to various parts of the body.

Vitamin C is vital for the growth, repair, and development of all body tissues.

Vitamin D is essential for the development and maintenance of strong bones, as it aids in the absorption of calcium and ensures the optimal functioning of muscles.

Vitamin E plays a crucial role in supporting reproduction, vision, as well as maintaining the brain and skin health.

Vitamin K is responsible for synthesizing proteins that are vital for blood coagulation and bone development.

Calcium plays an important role in maintaining healthy bones and teeth, aiding in blood clotting, facilitating muscle contraction, regulating heart rhythm, and supporting nerve functioning.

Iodine is necessary for the production of thyroid hormones, regulation of metabolism, and the growth of the brain and bones during pregnancy.

Iron plays a crucial role in the production of hemoglobin, which is responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body via red blood cells.

Potassium is responsible for ensuring that fluid levels remain within the normal range in cells.

Sodium is important for regulating and maintaining the balance of fluid levels outside the cells.

Zinc is essential for the creation of DNA, growth of cells, healing of tissues, and support of the immune system.

Who should get vitamin and mineral testing done?

Identifying a nutritional deficiency can be challenging without a clear understanding of the specific symptoms to observe. Moreover, the wide variation in symptoms and the presence of mild ones further complicate the detection process. Major signs of a deficiency include:

  • Brittle nails and hair
  • Oral ulcers or cracks at the edges of your mouth
  • Bleeding gums
  • Poor night vision
  • Dandruff or scaly patches on your skin
  • Hair loss
  • White or red bumps on your skin
  • Restless leg syndrome (a very strong urge to move your legs)

Even without experiencing symptoms, there is a chance of having a nutritional deficiency. If you have concerns regarding your nutritional health, undergoing nutrient analysis can help ease any worries. Tests such as a vitamin blood test for vitamin deficiency or a vitamin and mineral deficiency test can aid in identifying the underlying cause of a range of health issues.

Types of vitamin tests

Various vitamin tests are available to assess the levels of different vitamins in the body. Common vitamin tests include:

  1. Vitamin A test measures the concentration of retinol, the specific form of vitamin A that is stored in the liver.
  2. Vitamin B12 Test measures the concentration of cobalamin, the active form of vitamin B12.
  • Vitamin D Test measures the amount of 25-hydroxy vitamin D, the type of vitamin D that is circulating in the bloodstream.
  1. The serum folate test measures the quantity of folate present in the blood. This test is used to identify folate deficiency, a condition associated with issues such as birth defects and neural tube defects.
  2. The serum calcium test measures the concentration of calcium in the bloodstream. This test is used to identify calcium deficiency, a condition that can lead to complications like osteoporosis and bone fractures.
  3. The serum iron test measures the concentration of iron present in the blood. This test is used to monitor iron deficiency or overload in the body.

Standard vitamin and mineral result ranges

Vitamin A ranges



20 to 60 mcg/dL


<20 mcg/dL


Vitamin B12 ranges

An active B12 measures the quantity of vitamin B12 that is available for your body to utilize. You can also undergo a total B12 test. Here are the reference ranges for vitamin B12:


Normal values

Active B12

37.5-188 pmol/L

Total B12

300-569 pmol/L

Vitamin D ranges

Reference Range (25(OH)D)


<20 ng/mL / (<50 nmol/L)


20- <30 ng/mL / (50- <75 nmol/L)


30-100 ng/mL / (75-250 nmol/L)


> 100 ng/mL / (> 250 nmol/L)

Potential Toxicity

Serum folate ranges


Interpretation of values

3.1-17.5 ng/mL


2.2-3.0 ng/mL

Borderline deficient

< 2.2 ng/mL


> 17.5 ng/mL


Calcium ranges


Interpretation of values

<8.5 mg/dL


8.5 to 10.2 mg/dL


 >10.2 mg/dL

Excess (toxicity)

Iron ranges

Various tests can be conducted to assess your iron levels. The recommended ranges for each test are as follows:


Normal iron studies test values


60 to 170 mcg/dL (or) 10.74 to 30.43 micromol/L

Total iron binding capacity (TIBC)

240 to 450 mcg/dL (or) 42.96 to 80.55 micromol/L

Transferrin saturation

20% to 50%

The results from your nutrient blood test will provide details not only on your blood's specific vitamin levels but also on the reference blood levels, indicating whether you fall within the normal range. If your levels are below the reference level, consider consulting your healthcare provider about potential vitamin or mineral supplementation.

Benefits of vitamin and mineral testing

Vitamin and mineral testing offer a range of advantages, including early detection of deficiencies, improved nutrient levels, and personalized nutritional advice. It also helps in assessing the effectiveness of supplements and identifying individuals who may require higher doses. These tests can also track your progress during treatment for various conditions such as iron-deficiency anemia and provide valuable information on adjusting your diet to enhance overall nutrient intake.

Vitamin and mineral testing can help identify hidden deficiencies that could be playing a role in problems such as hair loss or fatigue. These tests help to evaluate your overall health and nutritional status. By familiarizing yourself with the various types of vitamin tests, their procedures, and the advantages they offer, you can make informed choices regarding the vitamins your body needs to maintain good health.

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