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SARS COV-2 (Covid-19) Antibody, Qualitative

What is SARS COV-2 (Covid-19) Antibody Test

Antibodies are produced in response to an infection or after a vaccination. The body’s immune system acts against invading pathogens with the help of these antibodies. Even after vaccination against a particular disease, the body produces enough antibodies to provide some level of protection from that disease. In the case of re-infection, the body already has enough antibodies to protect the person from getting severely ill.

The SARS COV-2 (Covid-19) antibody test is done to detect antibodies to the SARS COV-2 virus, which causes Covid-19. This test is performed to help identify individuals infected with the SARS COV-2 virus or who have recovered from Covid-19.

SARS COV-2 (Covid-19) test is also known as COVID-19 Serology, Serological test.

There are many types of antibodies and have characteristic functions in the body. IgA provides protection against ingested and inhaled pathogens. IgD signals the activation of B-cells in the body’s defense system. IgE helps fight off allergic reactions by releasing histamine. IgG protects the body from viral and bacterial infections, and IgM acts as the first line of defense against infections and also plays a key role in immune regulation.

During Covid-19 infection, levels of IgG seem to decrease slowly when compared to the other classes of antibodies. Thus, assays that are performed to measure total antibodies, or IgG, could show higher sensitivity than IgM assays.

Symptoms of Covid-19

Fever or chills

Fever or chills



Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing



Muscle or body aches

Muscle or body aches



Loss of taste or smell

Loss of taste or smell

Sore throat

Sore throat

Congestion or runny nose

Congestion or runny nose

Nausea or vomiting

Nausea or vomiting



Test preparation

No special preparation is required for the test.

Interpretation of results




Indicates previous infection with SARS COV-2 virus; Covid-19 antibodies are present in the blood


Shows absence of Covid-19 antibodies; no previous history of infection

Deviations from the normal result indicate:

  • A positive result could also mean antibodies are present in the body after taking the Covid-19 vaccine.
  • A false-positive result indicates a positive test result, even though antibodies against the Covid-19 virus are not present in the body. This may be due to the timing of the test, i.e., too early or too late in the infectious stage of the virus.
  • A false-negative result indicates that even though antibodies are present in the body against the Covid-19 virus, they go undetected. This may happen if the test was conducted too soon after the infection to detect antibodies.


How is a SARS COV-2 (Covid-19) antibody test done?

This test requires taking a small blood sample from a vein in your arm by pricking a needle. The drawn blood is then collected into a vial or test tube and sent to the laboratory for further investigations.

What is the turnaround time (TAT) for this test?

If this test is done using a rapid kit, the results are obtained within 30 minutes or less. If the sample is sent to a laboratory, it might take 4-5 working days. In such cases, the test report can also be mailed or made available electronically.

Does this test involve any risks?

As this is a simple blood test, it involves negligible risks. A person might feel a slight pain or stinging sensation at the site of a prick, but this feeling goes away in a few minutes.

Are antibody tests useful in diagnosing Covid-19?

No, an antibody test cannot diagnose if a person has Covid-19. The SARS COV-2 virus cannot be detected using antibody tests. These tests are only able to indicate if a person has had a previous infection or suffered from Covid-19.

Can a SARS COV-2 antibody test be useful in determining if I need a COVID-19 vaccine?

No, a SARS COV-2 antibody test cannot help determine if a person needs to get the Covid-19 vaccine or booster dose. There is a need for further research to understand the role of SARS COV-2 antibody testing in assessing an individual’s immunity and protection against COVID-19 through vaccines.

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