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Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) 100 gm

Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) 100 gm

Glucose tolerance test (GTT) is a diagnostic test used to evaluate the status of impaired glucose tolerance, prediabetes, and diabetes as well as how the body metabolizes glucose and how glucose is transported from the blood to body tissues. Your body uses glucose as a source of energy for its cells. Your body converts the food you eat into glucose, which then enters your bloodstream. Your pancreas produces the hormone insulin, which aids in transporting glucose to your body's cells. High blood sugar levels may indicate diabetes or prediabetes. If left untreated, diabetes is a serious medical condition that can harm the body's tissues and organs. Pregnant women are often screened using GTT for gestational diabetes.

Thus, getting your GTT done is recommended to measure how your body processes glucose to detect or confirm prediabetes and diabetes.

This test is also known as OGTT, Oral Glucose Tolerance Test, GTT

Symptoms of diabetes

Feeling thirstier than usual

Feeling thirstier than usual

Urinating often

Urinating often

Weight loss

Weight loss

Feeling tired and weak

Feeling tired and weak

Having blurry vision

Having blurry vision

Having slow-healing wounds

Having slow-healing wounds

Getting more infections

Getting more infections

Having numb/ tingling hands or feet

Having numb/ tingling hands or feet

Having dry skin

Having dry skin

Who should get tested?

Glucose Tolerance Test is recommended to be performed in adults who have risk factors for prediabetes, diabetes, and gestational diabetes. Risk factors include

Gestational diabetes in an earlier pregnancy

Gestational diabetes in an earlier pregnancy

Family history of diabetes

Family history of diabetes



Having a health condition like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or metabolic syndrome that is associated with the development of diabetes

Having a health condition like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or metabolic syndrome that is associated with the development of diabetes

Test preparation:

Prior to a GTT, it is important to fast for 9 -12 hours. During this time, only drinking water is allowed. The patient is advised to not drink any beverages in the morning, such as tea, coffee, or milk, until the sample collection is completed.

For the test blood glucose level on a completely empty stomach is measured. Then, blood glucose levels are checked an hour, two hours, and three hours after consuming 100 gm of glucose.

Interpretation of results

This test is recommended for pregnant women who test positive on the glucose tolerance test 50 gm


Reference range in mg/dL

 for Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT), 100 gm





Glucose 1.0 hr Post glucose Load




Glucose 2.0 hr Post glucose Load



Glucose 3.0 hr Post glucose Load




The criteria for diagnosing gestational diabetes:

·       Fasting blood glucose level is greater than 95 mg/dL

·       1-hour level is greater than 180 mg/dL

·       2-hour level is greater than 155 mg/dL

·       3-hour level is greater than 140 mg/dL

A diagnosis of gestational diabetes is made when a person meets any two of the above criteria


How is the sample collected for a Glucose Tolerance Test?

A blood sample is taken from a vein in the arm using a fine needle. This procedure typically takes no longer than five minutes

What is the turnaround time (TAT) for the results of a Glucose Tolerance Test?

Results of a Glucose Tolerance Test are usually available within 1-2 days. However, it could take longer at times

Are there any side effects of the sugar drink consumed during the test?

Serious side effects due to the drink are uncommon. There are chances that some individuals may feel nauseous or lightheaded. The taste of the glucose beverage may be unpleasant and is similar in taste to extra-sweet soda

Why do you need a Glucose Tolerance Test during pregnancy?

Glucose Tolerance Test, 100 gm is usually performed during the 24-28th week of gestation. A glucose test helps in the diagnosis of gestational diabetes by your health care provider. Keeping your blood sugar levels under control is crucial if you have diabetes while pregnant. Diabetes can lead to serious complications if not treated. Complications include:

·       Pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure during pregnancy).

·       The risk of delivering a big baby which raises the possibility of birth injuries or a C-section.

·       After birth, your baby may experience low blood sugar (hypoglycemia).

Your infant has a higher risk of developing Type 2 diabetes in the future

What happens if my blood glucose levels are higher than normal in Glucose Tolerance Test during my pregnancy?

: You will be diagnosed with gestational diabetes if your blood glucose levels are elevated in the Glucose Tolerance Test result, and you meet the criteria for gestational diabetes diagnosis. Making changes to your diet and monitoring your blood sugar levels with a blood glucose meter at specific times throughout the day are common diabetes treatment for pregnant women. You might require insulin to manage gestational diabetes if diet changes alone are ineffective. You will be assisted in controlling your blood glucose level for the remainder of your pregnancy by your obstetrician or a dietician

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