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HBV DNA PCR Quantitative, Real-Time PCR

HBV DNA PCR Quantitative, Real-Time PCR

Chronic hepatitis B is a dynamic infection that involves several phases based on the host's immune response. The inactive carrier state of the infection is associated with undetectable or low levels of HBV DNA and generally has an excellent long-term prognosis. Meanwhile, the immune-active phase is characterized by high HBV replication and infectivity, leading to cirrhosis and cancer over time. 

The Hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA quantitative test measures the amount of HBV DNA (viral load) in a sample, revealing virus burden and replication. The test uses real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify a specific section of HBV DNA. This tells the doctor about the severity of the infection, whether the person is eligible for antiviral therapy, and the possibility of having liver problems. Doctors may also evaluate a patient's response to treatment using this assay.

However, it's important to note that the HBV DNA quantitative test is explicitly performed for people with documented HBV infection and not to diagnose Hepatitis B

What is the HBV DNA PCR Quantitative Test Used For?

The HBV DNA PCR Quantitative test is performed:

To  support the diagnosis of current hepatitis B infection if serological testing are inconclusive

To support the diagnosis of current hepatitis B infection if serological testing are inconclusive

To know if the patient has active (high HBV DNA levels )  or inactive (low or undectable levels of HBV DNA) chronic hepatitis B infection

To know if the patient has active (high HBV DNA levels ) or inactive (low or undectable levels of HBV DNA) chronic hepatitis B infection

To predict disease progression in  chronic hepatitis B patients

To predict disease progression in chronic hepatitis B patients

To determine the patent’s eligibility  for anti-HBV treatment

To determine the patent’s eligibility for anti-HBV treatment

For monitoring treatment response in  patients with chronic hepatitis B infection

For monitoring treatment response in patients with chronic hepatitis B infection

To find occult HBV infection in patients who have liver diseases ,  or on immunosuppression therapy or chemotherapy

To find occult HBV infection in patients who have liver diseases , or on immunosuppression therapy or chemotherapy

Symptoms of Hepatitis B Infection

Symptoms of hepatitis B can range from none to severe liver damage and failure, depending on a person's immune status. Common symptoms include

Fatigue, Nausea & Vomiting

Fatigue, Nausea & Vomiting

Pain in the upper right corner of the abdomen

Pain in the upper right corner of the abdomen

Loss of appetite

Loss of appetite

Dark-colored urine  and pale stools

Dark-colored urine and pale stools

Yellowing of the skin and Eyes (Jaundice)

Yellowing of the skin and Eyes (Jaundice)

Joint pain

Joint pain

Preparation for Test

You don't need to prepare priorly to undergo the HBV DNA Quatitative RT-PCR test.

Interpretation of Test Results

The HBV DNA quantitative test results are often presented in IU/mL and log IU/mL, indicating the level of active HBV viral replication and infectivity. The results should be comprehended in the context of the patient's clinical presentation, exposure history, and risk factors.

 The potential  interpretation of the results includes:

Hepatitis B DNA Viral Load Reported Result


Not Detected

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA not detected.

Does not rule out HBV infection

<10 IU/mL


HBV DNA  detected. Unable to quantify below this limit of quantification

Positive response to antiviral therapy

10- 108 IU/ML


HBV DNA detected within the quantification limit

> 108 IU/mL


Presence of active HBV viral replication

Unable to quantify  HBV DNA level above this  limit of quantification

Require antiviral therapy


Submit a new sample for testing if clinically indicated



What are the testing indications of HBV DNA Quantitative RT-PCR?

HBV DNA quantitative RT-PCR is a valuable tool for monitoring disease progression and guiding treatment in HBV-infected patients. However, it is not meant to diagnose or confirm hepatitis B.

Instead, the test is indicated:

  • For people who received positive results on the initial screening test for hepatitis B viral infection
  • For pregnant women who test positive for HBsAg
  • For patients who may develop resistance to their antiviral treatment

Are there any proposed cutoffs to consider antiviral therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis B?

Chronic hepatitis B treatment aims to reduce the risk of advanced liver disease and improve survival. To achieve this goal, many organizations have developed their own guidelines. American Association for the Study of Liver Disease (AASLD)recommends antiviral therapy when HBV DNA exceeds 20000 IU/ml, HBeAg is positive, and serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) is twice the normal value

What precautions must be considered while interpreting HBV DNA Quantitative RT-PCR results?

When interpreting HBV DNA quantitative RT-PCR results, follow your doctor's advice, as the DNA results must be considered alongside clinical symptoms, presentation, and other laboratory markers for the confirmed diagnosis and treatment management

What is the window period for an HBV PCR test?

The infectious window time for HBV DNA positive in regular PCR tests is thought to last between 17 and 40 days before HBsAg appears in the blood

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