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Hepatitis B Virus core IgM Antibody (HBc IgM)

Hepatitis B Virus core IgM Antibody (HBc IgM)

Hepatitis B infection elicits diverse immune responses as it progresses from self-limited to persistent condition. Production of hepatitis B core IgM antibodies (anti-HBc IgM) is a prominent immune response against an HBV protein called the core. These antibodies emerge in the blood shortly after symptoms and HBsAg appear. However, they become undetectable within 6-12 months once the recent self-limited infection resolves. They are replaced by IgG class anti-HBc antibodies weeks later.

The Hepatitis B Virus Core IgM Antibody is part of the hepatitis B screening panel, which also includes tests for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and hepatitis B surface antibody (anti-HBs). Although the test measures recent HBV infection, results are often interpreted alongside HBsAg and anti-HBs levels, among other factors.

Testing for IgM HBc is vital for diagnosing Hepatitis B. Clinicians rely on it to differentiate recent or ongoing HBV infections from chronic conditions, enabling them to select the appropriate treatment and establish monitoring plans for better patient management.

What is the HBV core IgM antibody test Used For?

The HBV core IgM antibody test is used

To identify recent HBV infection in patients who test negative for both HBsAg and anti-HBsAg

To identify recent HBV infection in patients who test negative for both HBsAg and anti-HBsAg

To confirm recent HBV infection in individuals with a positive HBsAg result and elevated liver enzymes

To confirm recent HBV infection in individuals with a positive HBsAg result and elevated liver enzymes

To distinguish between newly infected hepatitis B patients and those with persistent hepatitis B who have a sudden liver flare due to another cause

To distinguish between newly infected hepatitis B patients and those with persistent hepatitis B who have a sudden liver flare due to another cause

Symptoms of Hepatitis B infection

Symptoms of hepatitis B can vary widely, from no symptoms to severe liver failure, depending on the individual's immune status. During a new HBV infection, a person may experience

Fatigue, Nausea & Vomiting

Fatigue, Nausea & Vomiting

Pain in the upper right corner of the abdomen

Pain in the upper right corner of the abdomen

Loss of appetite

Loss of appetite

Dark-colored urine and pale stools

Dark-colored urine and pale stools

Yellowing of the skin and Eyes (Jaundice)

Yellowing of the skin and Eyes (Jaundice)

Joint pain

Joint pain

Preparation for Test

Avoid taking biotin supplements for at least 12 hours, leading to the Hepatitis B Virus core IgM antibody test, as high doses of biotin can interfere with the result.

Interpretation of Test Results

Positive result

This report suggests a new or recent hepatitis B infection. However, HBc antibodies may also develop in chronic HBV carriers during active virus replication. Therefore, follow-up testing after six months is necessary.


Negative result

This report excludes recent HBV infection but does not rule out the possibility of exposure to or chronic infection with HBV.


What are the indications for testing the HBc IgM antibody?

Anti-HBc IgM antibody testing is recommended:

·         When a person shows symptoms of new hepatitis B infection, such as jaundice, fatigue, abdominal pain, and loss of appetite.

·         To confirm new infection in individuals who are positive for HBsAg

What are the other hepatitis markers evaluated along with the HBc IgM test?

Along with the anti-HBc IgM test, other hepatitis markers frequently tested are:

·         Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg): First antigen to appear during recent HBV infection. But may also present in long-standing HBV infection.

·         Hepatitis B surface antibody (anti-HBs): The presence of anti-HBs indicates a resolved infection or immunity from prior vaccination.

·         Hepatitis B core total (anti-HBc, total): It is the best marker for documenting prior exposure to HBV. It appears before anti-HBs and remains indefinitely after IgM class anti-HBc disappears.

Are there any limitations to the HBc IgM antibody test?

Some of the limitations of measuring anti-HBc IgM antibodies through the current methods include:

1.     High-dose biotin (>5 mg) ingested within 12 hours may substantially impact the assay results.

2.    The patient's hepatitis B immune status can't be determined using this test.

3.    False-negative results may occur when IgM antibody levels are below the detection limits of the assay.

4.    A positive anti-HBc IgM test result does not rule out co-infection by another hepatitis virus.

How is the HBc IgM antibody test performed?

The test is performed using a blood sample collected from a vein in your arm and sent to a laboratory for analysis.

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