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Hepatitis B Virus envelope Antibody (HBe Ab)

Hepatitis B Virus envelope Antibody (HBe Ab)

Hepatitis B is a long-lasting liver infection that, if not treated, can lead to life-threatening liver problems like cirrhosis and cancer. Hepatitis B virus envelope antibody (HBeAb) is a blood marker that indicates a positive change in the patient's infection status. Its presence suggests long-term virus clearance during antiviral therapy. Unlike the HBe antigen, the HBe antibody is a sign of lower virus replication and infectivity. However, some patients, despite having them in their sera, may still develop liver-related issues due to disease remission.

The Hepatitis B virus envelope antibody test is part of the hepatitis B diagnostic panel, checking for antibodies against the hepatitis B envelope antigen (HBeAg) in the patient's blood. Doctors may use this test to understand the virus replication status while evaluating the risk of early liver complications. This helps them choose the best treatment options for optimal patient management.   

The test is performed concurrently with HBeAg testing to understand the patient's condition better.

What is HBe Antibody Testing Used For?

This test is performed

To find out the stage of liver disease in HBV-infected patients and help decide on treatment

To find out the stage of liver disease in HBV-infected patients and help decide on treatment

To keep track of how contagious HBV carriers are

To keep track of how contagious HBV carriers are

To predict the effect of HBV infection over a long period

To predict the effect of HBV infection over a long period

To see how effective antiviral treatment is for people with long-term HBV infection by measuring the improvement in  liver disease

To see how effective antiviral treatment is for people with long-term HBV infection by measuring the improvement in liver disease

Symptoms of chronic hepatitis B infection

Most patients with chronic Hepatitis B lack symptoms, although some may develop signs and symptoms depending on the severity of liver injury. Symptoms may include



Excessive tiredness

Excessive tiredness

Enlarged  spleen

Enlarged spleen

Discomfort in the stomach

Discomfort in the stomach

Swelling in the legs and feet

Swelling in the legs and feet

Poor brain function

Poor brain function

Liver cancer

Liver cancer

Preparation for Test

No special preparation is required to take the HBe antibody test. However, avoid taking biotin supplements 48 hours prior.

Interpretation of Test Results

The results of the HBe antibody test are interpreted as follows:

Positive result

This report suggests the presence of detectable HBe antibodies in the patient's serum, signifying the resolution of illness, although the HBV carrier state may still persist.

In a small percentage of chronic hepatitis B patients, a positive HBe antibody may indicate active viral replication if the sample is positive for viral DNA.

Negative result

This result indicates the absence of the HBe antibody in the sample, suggesting an early HBV infection before peaking of viral DNA.


What factors can affect the levels of HBe Antibody?

Several factors can influence HBe antibody levels, including:

        the stage of Hepatitis B infection

        the strength of the host immune response

        the use of antiviral medications

How often do you have to monitor for hepatitis B?

As per American Association for the Study of Liver Disease (AASLD) guidelines, if you are chronically infected with hepatitis B  and on treatment, you must undergo liver tests every 12 weeks and check for HBV DNA levels every 12 to 24 weeks.

Your HBe Ag and antiHBe will also be monitored every 24 weeks if you are positive for HBeAg during the screening of hepatitis B.

3. Can I infect people with hepatitis B if I test positive for HBe Antibody?

If you are HBe Antibody positive, you are less likely to spread hepatitis B when compared to being HBeAg positive. However, the infection can still be transmitted when you engage in behaviors that entail contact with infected blood or bodily fluids, such as unprotected sex or needle sharing.

Is fasting required before taking the blood sample for the HBe Antibody test?

No, fasting is not required to take this test.

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  • Includes

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  • Includes

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  • Includes

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Tests At Lupin Diagnostics

Hepatitis B Virus envelope Antibody (HBe Ab)

₹ 1,000
  • Includes

    1 Test Parameter(s)

  • The Hepatitis B virusenvelope antibody (HBE AB) test is used as a prognostic and monitoring test and check the severity of diseases caused by the Hepatitis B virus. Hepatitis B is a serious liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus. This testis performed in patients suffering from chronic hepatitis B conditions as this test checks the progression of liver disease. If this test is positive, the patient has been infected with HBV.

Hepatitis B Virus envelope Antigen (HBeAg)

₹ 900
  • Includes

    1 Test Parameter(s)

  • The HBeAg test detects the levels of hepatitis B e-antigen in the blood. HBe antigen is a protein released from the hepatitis B virus, which circulates in infected blood in its active state. If the antigen is present in the blood, the person is positive for HBeAg and has an active Hepatitis B infection. Hepatitis B is a liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). Hepatitis B can be transmitted via blood, semen, or other body fluids of an infected person to a body of someone who is not infected. Clinically, Hepatitis B Virus Envelope Antigen is used to determine infectivity, viral replication (generation of new virus particles to infect other healthy cells), inflammation, the severity of disease, and response to antiviral therapy in patients with hepatitis B infection.

Complete Blood Count (CBC)

₹ 250
  • Includes

    1 Test Parameter(s)

  • Complete blood count (CBC) is a type of blood test that helps determine an individual's overall health. This test evaluates red blood cells that carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body and white blood cells , which fight infections and other diseases. There are five major types of white blood cells, and the CBC test measures the total number of white cells in the blood.CBC test includes an absolute and differential count of basophil, eosinophil, lymphocyte, monocyte, and neutrophil that measures the levels of these cells in the blood. CBC also measures the levels of platelets, which help prevent and stop bleeding. Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells, and the Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) test measures the average amount of hemoglobin in each red blood cell, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) test determines the average concentration of hemoglobin in a single red blood cell (RBC). Hematocrit/ Packed Cell Volume (PCV) measures the proportion of red blood cells, and red cell distribution width (RDW) evaluates the differences in the volume and size of your red blood cells. Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) measures the average size of the red blood cells. Complete blood counts can help detect various disorders, including infections, anemia, and diseases affecting blood components.

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₹ 170
  • Includes

    1 Test Parameter(s)

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₹ 170
  • Includes

    1 Test Parameter(s)

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Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)

₹ 190
  • Includes

    1 Test Parameter(s)

  • An Alkaline Phosphatase test (ALP test) is used to determine the levels of alkaline phosphatase enzymes in the blood. . Elevated levels of Alkaline Phosphatase indicate cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis (inflammation of the liver), viral hepatitis, and congestive heart failure (a heart condition where heart is unable to pump blood as well as it should). Hence, this test is performed as a part of the liver function test or if one experiences symptoms of obstructive liver disorder like loss of appetite, vomiting, abdominal pain, and jaundice. Lower levels of alkaline phosphatase are a sign of lack of zinc, malnutrition, pernicious anemia (reduced levels of red blood cells and inability to absorb vitamin B12), thyroid disease, Wilson’s disease (a rare disorder where there is too much accumulation of copper in the liver, brain and other organs), or hypophosphatasia (a rare genetic disease that affects bones and teeth). This test is also indicated in the case of possible metabolic bone disorders such as bone pain and sensitivity to bone fractures.

Albumin, Serum

₹ 150
  • Includes

    1 Test Parameter(s)

  • A serum albumin test examines the amount of albumin in the body. Albumin is a protein that is made by the liver. The serum albumin test is done as a part of the routine check-up and can aid in diagnosing liver disorder, kidney disease, malnutrition, unintended weight loss, and chronic kidney disease, as lower albumin serum levels increase the risk for CKD progression.

Rheumatoid Factor(RA)

₹ 450
  • Includes

    1 Test Parameter(s)

  • A rheumatoid factor test is done to measure the level of rheumatoid antibodies in the body. Rheumatoid antibodies are autoantibodies (antibodies produced against substances (antigens) produced by person’s own body). The doctor may advise this test to diagnose rheumatic diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune diseases like Sjogren’s syndrome (an immune system disorder causing dry eyes and dry mouth), or Lupus Erythematosus (an immune disorder that can affect joints, skin, kidneys, blood cells, brain, heart, and lungs), and diagnose chronic infections.

Cryoglobulins Screening (Qualitative)

₹ 850
  • Includes

    1 Test Parameter(s)

Hepatitis B surface Antigen (HBsAg) Confirmatory test

₹ 850
  • Includes

    1 Test Parameter(s)

  • HBsAg is a hepatitis B virus surface protein that can be found in high levels in the serum during acute or chronic infection. The presence of HBsAg suggests that the individual has been infected with the hepatitis B virus. Antibodies against HBsAg are often produced by the body as part of a healthy immunological response to infection. The Hepatitis B vaccine is produced using the antigen HBsAg. This test confirms hepatitis B infection in individuals at risk of acquiring infection, such as hemodialysis patients (hemodialysis is a process of filtering waste products from the blood using the machine), IV drug users, etc.

Hepatitis B surface Antigen (HBsAg), CLIA/ELISA

₹ 550
  • Includes

    1 Test Parameter(s)

Hepatitis B surface Antigen (HBsAg), Rapid method

₹ 400
  • Includes

    1 Test Parameter(s)

  • HBsAg screening/Hepatitis B (rapid) test, , is used to detect Hepatitis B virus infection and to monitor the ongoing treatment of Hepatitis. Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) is the diagnostic marker used for detection of HBV infection and is considered one of the first indicators of the infection. These tests offer a number of benefits, including easily accessible results, testing convenience, and also help to diagnose the disease at earlier stages. The doctor may advise this test in cases of suggestive symptoms of Hepatitis. This test also helps screen hepatitis B infection in individuals at risk of acquiring infection, such as hemodialysis patients (hemodialysis is a process of filtering waste products from the blood using the machine), IV drug users, etc.

Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) HBV-DNA detection by PCR, CSF

₹ 3,950
  • Includes

    1 Test Parameter(s)

Hepatitis B Virus core IgM Antibody (HBc IgM)

₹ 830
  • Includes

    1 Test Parameter(s)

  • The hepatitis B virus core IgM antibody test is used to detect the presence of IgM antibodies produced against the hepatitis B virus in the initial (acute) phase of infection. Hepatitis B is an infectious disease caused by the hepatitis B virus that affects the liver. IgM is the only serologic marker detectable during the “ window period” when neither Hepatitis B surface antigen (HbsAg) nor Hepatitis B surface antibody (anti-HBs) is detectable. Anti-hepatitis B core IgM antibody is detected in serum and is usually present for up to 6 months after acute HBV infection. Anti-hepatitis B core IgM antibody is a serologic marker of a recent hepatitis B infection.

Hepatitis B Virus core Total Antibody (HBc Total)

₹ 1,100
  • Includes

    1 Test Parameter(s)

  • Hepatitis B Virus Core Total Antibody (HBcAb or Anti-HBc) is a blood test performed to detect the total hepatitis B core antibody in Hepatitis B exposed individuals. Hepatitis B is a serious liver disease caused by the hepatitis B virus. The HbcAb appears at the onset of symptoms in acute hepatitis B and can persist for a lifetime. The presence of anti-HBc is suggestive of prior or continuing infection with hepatitis B virus.

HBV DNA Qualitative PCR

₹ 4,400
  • Includes

    1 Test Parameter(s)

HBV DNA PCR Quantitative, Real Time PCR

₹ 6,000
  • Includes

    1 Test Parameter(s)

  • HBV DNA PCR quantitative, real-time PCR test is used for detecting and quantifying (evaluating viral load) hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA in the serum of patients with chronic HBV infection. Hepatitis B is a serious liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus. The presence of HBV DNA in serum is a reliable marker of active HBV replication. A blood sample is used for the HBV DNA test, and a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method is used to quickly produce HBV DNA fragments that can be measured. This test helps to determine the viral load, monitor disease progression in chronic HBV infection, and response to anti-HBV therapy.

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