Hepatitis Profile, Comprehensive
Hepatitis Profile, Comprehensive
Hepatitis is a liver disease that causes inflammation and enlargement of the organ, leading to dysfunction. While the disease has various causes, the most common is a viral infection known as viral hepatitis.
The hepatitis profile comprises a series of blood tests capable of detecting the presence of hepatitis A virus (HAV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), and hepatitis E virus (HEV), the most common causes of viral hepatitis in India. If you have elevated liver enzyme levels without an apparent reason, the hepatitis profile test can help your doctor determine whether you are currently infected with viral hepatitis or have had it in the past just by examining specific parts of the virus (antigens) and the antibodies produced in response.
What is a Hepatitis Profile, Comprehensive used For?
The Hepatitis Profile Comprehensive test is performed

To diagnose viral hepatitis in patients with abnormal liver enzyme values and related clinical symptoms

To determine whether the viral hepatitis infection is self-limited or has a chronic course

For early detection and treatment of chronic hepatitis B and C

To assess whether a person is immune to different viral hepatitis due to immunization or recovery from a preceding illness
Symptoms of Hepatitis
All hepatitis viruses manifest similar signs of illness, although may occur varying degrees. The most common signs include

Yellowing of skin and white of the eye

Pain in the upper right part of the belly

Nause and vomiting

Loss of appetite

Clay-colored stools and dark urine

Extreme tiredness

Muscle and joint pain
Which tests are included in the Hpatitits Profile, Comprehensive?
The hepatitis profile offered by Lupin Diagnostics includes eight tests:
· Hepatitis A Virus IgM Antibody (HAV IgM)
· Hepatitis A Virus Total Antibody (HAV Total)
· Hepatitis B core IgM & Total (HBc IgM and Total)
· Hepatitis B surface Antigen (HBsAg), CLIA/ELISA
· Hepatitis B Virus surface Antibody(HBs Ab)
· Hepatitis C Antibodies (HCV), CLIA/ELISA
· Hepatitis E Virus IgG Antibody (HEV IgG)
Hepatitis E Virus IgM Antibody (HEV IgM)
Preparation for Test
No specific preparation is required for the hepatitis profile test. But, make sure to refrain from taking biotin supplements 48 hours before. Also, inform your doctor about any preexisting medical conditions or allergies you may have.
Interpretation of Test Results
The results of the tests included in the hepatitis profile are interpreted as follows:
- Hepatitis A Virus IgM Antibody (HAV IgM): Presence of HAV IgM is usually suggestive of a recent HAV infection. It aids in the differential diagnosis of individuals with recent infections who aren't vaccinated.
- Hepatitis A Virus Total Antibody (HAV Total): Presence of a total HAV antibody is consistent with ongoing HAV infection or immunity from prior HAV vaccination or resolution of infection.
- Hepatitis B core IgM and Total (HBc IgM and Total): The presence of HBc IgM is consistent with the recent infection of the hepatitis B virus (<6 months). Meanwhile, total HBcAb indicates past, current, or resolved HBV infection.
· Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), CLIA/ELISA: Presence of HBsAg indicates a person is infectious or has had a successful vaccination.
· Hepatitis B Virus Surface Antibody (HBs Ab): Presence of HBs Ab is consistent with recovery and lifelong immunity from hepatitis B virus infection.
· Hepatitis C Antibodies (HCV), CLIA/ELISA: Presence of HCV antibodies indicates that the person has had the virus at some point, but it does not necessarily imply that they have it now.
· Hepatitis E Virus IgG Antibody (HEV IgG): Presence of HEV IgG indicates resolved or past exposure to hepatitis E infection and provides short-term protection from the disease.
Hepatitis E Virus IgM Antibody (HEV IgM): The presence of HEV IgM provides a definitive diagnosis of acute or recent (<6 months) hepatitis E infection. These antibodies are detectable between 1 and 4 weeks after infection.
What is the difference between HAV, HBV, HCV, and HEV?
HAV, HBV, HCV, and HEV are distinct viruses with varying modes of transmission, and how each affects the body and the liver in general.
For example, HAV and HEV spread through contaminated food and drink, resulting in self-limited liver infection. HBV and HCV spread via infected bodily fluids to cause chronic liver infection and long-lasting irreversible damage.
How can you prevent viral hepatitis?
Some safe and effective vaccines are available to prevent hepatitis caused by HAV and HBV, but sadly none exist to prevent HCV. Therefore, the best way to prevent HCV infection is to abstain from risk-increasing activities, such as the use of injectable drugs, syringes, or needles or having unprotected sex with those infected with HIV. Moreover, always use a condom during sex.
How is the Hepatitis Profile test performed?
The Hepatitis profile test is performed by collecting a blood sample from a vein in the arm using a needle. This sample is then sent to a laboratory for analysis.
What factors could alter my test results?
As with any laboratory test, our hepatitis profile test may produce a false-positive result if you have previously been exposed to viral hepatitis. This means that even if you do not have an infection now, it might appear as you do.
Can hepatitis be detected early with a hepatitis profile test?
Besides clinical symptoms, your doctor can use a hepatitis profile test to detect hepatitis in the early stages of infection.
Related tests
Liver Function Test
₹ 400-
1 Test Parameter(s)
Liver function tests are blood tests used to diagnose and monitor liver disease or damage. LFT screening test is indicated in patients with hepatitis for screening, cirrhosis(scarring of liver) for measuring severity of the disease, and alcoholic liver disease. LFT measures the level of liver enzymes like alanine transaminase (ALT), and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) present in the blood. Increased liver enzymes in the blood may indicate liver damage in the body. LFT test also includes Bilirubin Total, Direct & Indirect tests that measure the levels of bilirubin in the blood.
Complete Blood Count (CBC)
₹ 250-
1 Test Parameter(s)
Complete blood count (CBC) is a type of blood test that helps determine an individual's overall health. This test evaluates red blood cells that carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body and white blood cells , which fight infections and other diseases. There are five major types of white blood cells, and the CBC test measures the total number of white cells in the blood.CBC test includes an absolute and differential count of basophil, eosinophil, lymphocyte, monocyte, and neutrophil that measures the levels of these cells in the blood. CBC also measures the levels of platelets, which help prevent and stop bleeding. Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells, and the Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) test measures the average amount of hemoglobin in each red blood cell, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) test determines the average concentration of hemoglobin in a single red blood cell (RBC). Hematocrit/ Packed Cell Volume (PCV) measures the proportion of red blood cells, and red cell distribution width (RDW) evaluates the differences in the volume and size of your red blood cells. Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) measures the average size of the red blood cells. Complete blood counts can help detect various disorders, including infections, anemia, and diseases affecting blood components.
Urine for Chyle
₹ 500-
1 Test Parameter(s)
Urine for chyle test checks for the presence of chyle or level of fat content in the urine. Chylous urine or chyluria makes the urine turn milky white. The organism responsible for such appearance of urine is Wuchereriabancrofti, very commonly seen in India. Chyluria may also be associated with other urinary tract symptoms such as infection and haematuria (blood in the urine). It may also cause hypoproteinemia (low blood protein levels), weight loss, and cachexia (wasting of muscles and fat). The urine for chyle test helps detect the presence of nephrotic syndrome (a kidney disorder where the body excretes too much protein in the urine), urinary tract infections, etc.
Tests At Lupin Diagnostics
Hepatitis A Virus Total Antibody (HAV Total)
₹ 1,300-
1 Test Parameter(s)
Hepatitis A Virus Total Antibody (HAV Total) test detects the presence of antibody that is produced in response to hepatitis A virus. Hepatitis A virus is a highly contagious infectious disease characterized by inflammation and enlargement of the liver. HAV testing looks for both IgG and IgM antibodies. Anti-HAV IgM is detectable during the acute stage of illness and is the first antibody produced after exposure to Hepatitis A infection, while anti-HAV IgG may be present for many years after recovery or following vaccination. Due to this reason this test can be used to identify both current and past infections of hepatitis A virus.
Hepatitis A Virus IgM Antibody (HAV IgM)
₹ 1,100-
1 Test Parameter(s)
Hepatitis A is a highly contagious and fatal liver disease. It is transmitted through oral-fecal contact, unsafe sexual contact, or close contact with an infectious person. Serological diagnosis of acute viral hepatitis A depends on detecting specific anti- HAV IgM and the presence of anti-HAV in the patient's serum indicates recent exposure to HAV. This test is prescribed if the individual has symptoms such as jaundice (yellow eyes and skin), dark urine, belly pain, loss of appetite, upset stomach, vomiting, fever, or diarrhea. HAV-specific IgM antibody levels are detectable in the blood by 4 weeks after infection, and their levels keep increasing for about 2 months before declining to undetectable levels by 6 months.
Hepatitis A virus-IgG (HAV IgG) - Serum
₹ 1,100-
1 Test Parameter(s)
Hepatitis B surface Antigen (HBsAg) Confirmatory test
₹ 850-
1 Test Parameter(s)
HBsAg is a hepatitis B virus surface protein that can be found in high levels in the serum during acute or chronic infection. The presence of HBsAg suggests that the individual has been infected with the hepatitis B virus. Antibodies against HBsAg are often produced by the body as part of a healthy immunological response to infection. The Hepatitis B vaccine is produced using the antigen HBsAg. This test confirms hepatitis B infection in individuals at risk of acquiring infection, such as hemodialysis patients (hemodialysis is a process of filtering waste products from the blood using the machine), IV drug users, etc.
Hepatitis B surface Antigen (HBsAg), CLIA/ELISA
₹ 550-
1 Test Parameter(s)
Hepatitis B surface Antigen (HBsAg), Rapid method
₹ 400-
1 Test Parameter(s)
HBsAg screening/Hepatitis B (rapid) test, , is used to detect Hepatitis B virus infection and to monitor the ongoing treatment of Hepatitis. Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) is the diagnostic marker used for detection of HBV infection and is considered one of the first indicators of the infection. These tests offer a number of benefits, including easily accessible results, testing convenience, and also help to diagnose the disease at earlier stages. The doctor may advise this test in cases of suggestive symptoms of Hepatitis. This test also helps screen hepatitis B infection in individuals at risk of acquiring infection, such as hemodialysis patients (hemodialysis is a process of filtering waste products from the blood using the machine), IV drug users, etc.
Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) HBV-DNA detection by PCR, CSF
₹ 3,950-
1 Test Parameter(s)
Hepatitis B Virus core IgM Antibody (HBc IgM)
₹ 830-
1 Test Parameter(s)
The hepatitis B virus core IgM antibody test is used to detect the presence of IgM antibodies produced against the hepatitis B virus in the initial (acute) phase of infection. Hepatitis B is an infectious disease caused by the hepatitis B virus that affects the liver. IgM is the only serologic marker detectable during the “ window period” when neither Hepatitis B surface antigen (HbsAg) nor Hepatitis B surface antibody (anti-HBs) is detectable. Anti-hepatitis B core IgM antibody is detected in serum and is usually present for up to 6 months after acute HBV infection. Anti-hepatitis B core IgM antibody is a serologic marker of a recent hepatitis B infection.
Hepatitis B Virus core Total Antibody (HBc Total)
₹ 1,100-
1 Test Parameter(s)
Hepatitis B Virus Core Total Antibody (HBcAb or Anti-HBc) is a blood test performed to detect the total hepatitis B core antibody in Hepatitis B exposed individuals. Hepatitis B is a serious liver disease caused by the hepatitis B virus. The HbcAb appears at the onset of symptoms in acute hepatitis B and can persist for a lifetime. The presence of anti-HBc is suggestive of prior or continuing infection with hepatitis B virus.
Hepatitis B Virus envelope Antibody (HBe Ab)
₹ 1,000-
1 Test Parameter(s)
The Hepatitis B virusenvelope antibody (HBE AB) test is used as a prognostic and monitoring test and check the severity of diseases caused by the Hepatitis B virus. Hepatitis B is a serious liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus. This testis performed in patients suffering from chronic hepatitis B conditions as this test checks the progression of liver disease. If this test is positive, the patient has been infected with HBV.
Hepatitis B Virus envelope Antigen (HBeAg)
₹ 900-
1 Test Parameter(s)
The HBeAg test detects the levels of hepatitis B e-antigen in the blood. HBe antigen is a protein released from the hepatitis B virus, which circulates in infected blood in its active state. If the antigen is present in the blood, the person is positive for HBeAg and has an active Hepatitis B infection. Hepatitis B is a liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). Hepatitis B can be transmitted via blood, semen, or other body fluids of an infected person to a body of someone who is not infected. Clinically, Hepatitis B Virus Envelope Antigen is used to determine infectivity, viral replication (generation of new virus particles to infect other healthy cells), inflammation, the severity of disease, and response to antiviral therapy in patients with hepatitis B infection.
Hepatitis B Virus surface Antibody(HBs Ab)
₹ 800-
1 Test Parameter(s)
The Hepatitis B surface antibody test is used to detect the presence of antibodies produced in response to the protein present on the viral surface to diagnose hepatitis B virus infection. A positive test indicates infection in the past and acquired immunity to the disease or immunity achieved by vaccination. This virus commonly infects the liver, leading to liver damage, scarring, and cirrhosis. The doctor prescribes this test to detect if one has ever been exposed to the virus or whether the vaccination is successful. It is also advised to monitor the efficacy of the ongoing treatment.
Hepatitis Delta IgM Antibody (HDV IgM)
₹ 3,200-
1 Test Parameter(s)
H3 Viral marker profile HIV, HbsAg,HCV
₹ 1,800-
1 Test Parameter(s)
The Triplex HIV, HBsAg, and HCV are a combination of rapid tests that help assess HIV, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C infectious diseases. The H3 viral marker profile test is a qualitative flow immunoassay test for the simultaneous detection of HIV and HCV-specific IgG IgM antibodies and monoclonal antibodies for HBsAg in blood, serum, or plasma. A doctor may prescribe H3 Viral Marker profile if one shows signs of chronic hepatitis, which might indicate hepatitis C infection. This test is also a part of routine tests done before undergoing surgery or during pregnancy.
Hepatitis C Antibodies (HCV), CLIA/ELISA
₹ 1,300-
1 Test Parameter(s)
Hepatitis C Antibodies (HCV), Rapid
₹ 600-
1 Test Parameter(s)
A Hepatitis C antibody blood test detects the presence of hepatitis C antibodies which are produced by the human immune system in response to the hepatitis C virus (HCV). HCV antibody test can detect if one has been infected. The HCV –antibodies are generally detected on an average at 6-8 weeks after the onset of infection (serologic window). This viral infection causes liver inflammation, sometimes leading to significant liver damage. HCV spreads through contaminated blood. The test is indicated for patients who are at risk of hepatitis or liver disease or who have been exposed to the virus.
Hepatitis E Virus IgG Antibody (HEV IgG)
₹ 1,500-
1 Test Parameter(s)
Hepatitis E Virus IgM Antibody (HEV IgM)
₹ 1,500-
1 Test Parameter(s)
Hepatitis E virus IgM (HEV IgM) antibody is a blood test used to determine the presence of hepatitis E antibodies produced against Hepatitis E is a viral infection. It is among the commonest causes of acute viral hepatitis in the world. This infection presents with non-specific symptoms and is difficult to differentiate from other types of acute viral hepatitis. Most HEV infections occur in individuals who have traveled to regions where the virus is widespread. HEV transmission can also happen through direct human contact or blood or blood product transfusions.
Liver Function Test
₹ 400-
1 Test Parameter(s)
Liver function tests are blood tests used to diagnose and monitor liver disease or damage. LFT screening test is indicated in patients with hepatitis for screening, cirrhosis(scarring of liver) for measuring severity of the disease, and alcoholic liver disease. LFT measures the level of liver enzymes like alanine transaminase (ALT), and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) present in the blood. Increased liver enzymes in the blood may indicate liver damage in the body. LFT test also includes Bilirubin Total, Direct & Indirect tests that measure the levels of bilirubin in the blood.
Complete Blood Count (CBC)
₹ 250-
1 Test Parameter(s)
Complete blood count (CBC) is a type of blood test that helps determine an individual's overall health. This test evaluates red blood cells that carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body and white blood cells , which fight infections and other diseases. There are five major types of white blood cells, and the CBC test measures the total number of white cells in the blood.CBC test includes an absolute and differential count of basophil, eosinophil, lymphocyte, monocyte, and neutrophil that measures the levels of these cells in the blood. CBC also measures the levels of platelets, which help prevent and stop bleeding. Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells, and the Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) test measures the average amount of hemoglobin in each red blood cell, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) test determines the average concentration of hemoglobin in a single red blood cell (RBC). Hematocrit/ Packed Cell Volume (PCV) measures the proportion of red blood cells, and red cell distribution width (RDW) evaluates the differences in the volume and size of your red blood cells. Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) measures the average size of the red blood cells. Complete blood counts can help detect various disorders, including infections, anemia, and diseases affecting blood components.
Albumin/Creatinine Ratio, Spot Urine
₹ 520-
1 Test Parameter(s)
Albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR) is a urine test that indicates whether one has albumin - a type of protein produced by liver- present in the urine. Creatinine is a chemical waste product produced by muscle metabolism. The kidneys remove creatinine and other waste products from the blood when they are functioning properly. Albumin-to-creatinine ratio test helps diagnose albuminuria (increased urinary albumin excretion), which indicates kidney damage. The doctors may prescribe this test for people suffering from type 1 and type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney disease, etc