HLA-B27 Test
About HLA-B27 Test
Human leukocyte antigen B27 (HLA-B27) test checks for HLA-B27 antigen in your blood. It is a protein (antigen) present on the surface of white blood cells. Your immune system uses these antigens to distinguish between healthy body tissue and foreign substances that cause infections. The presence of HLA-27 antigens in your blood is an indication of autoimmune diseases (damage to healthy tissues). Healthcare providers use this test to screen for your risk of developing immune-mediated diseases.
HLA – B27 test is also known as
Leukocyte A antigen histocompatibility, human lymphocytic antigen B27, human leukocyte A antigen.
What is HLA- B27 test used for?
HLA- B27 test is used to determine:

Ankylosing spondylitis

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis

Reactive arthritis

Anterior uveitis

Anterior Iritis

Psoriatic arthritis

Crohn's disease

Ulcerative colitis-associated spondyloarthritis
What does the HLA- B27 test measure?
The HLA-B27 test determines whether the person's white blood cells are coated with the HLA-B27 protein or not.
HLA-B27 protein is also known as HLA or human leukocyte antigen. HLA proteins help the body's immune system differentiate between its own cells and foreign cells.
People with positive HLA-B27 are at increased risk of having autoimmune diseases.
Who should get tested?
HLA-B27 test is recommended to be performed frequently for individuals at increased risk of immune-mediated diseases. The following factors can increase the risk of autoimmune diseases:

Family history of autoimmune diseases

Joint pains

Swelling of neck

Stiffness of spine

Swelling or stiffness of the chest

Inflamed (red) eye

Recurrent skin infections
Test Preparation
No preparation is required for the HLA-B27 test.
Interpretation of the results
The test result may come as positive or negative.
Negative result
Negative test results indicate the absence of the HLA-B27 antigen in your blood. It means that you are less likely to have an autoimmune disease. Sometimes, people without the HLA-B27 antigen can also develop various autoimmune disorders.
Positive result
Positive test results indicate the presence of the HLA-B27 antigen in your blood. A positive HLA-B27 test indicates that the individual is more likely to acquire specific autoimmune diseases.
A diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis, reactive arthritis, or any autoimmune condition linked to HLA-B27 is made if the patient exhibits symptoms including chronic pain, inflammation, and/or degenerative changes to the bones (as shown on an X-ray). This is particularly true if the individual is young, male, and had his initial symptoms before the age of 40.
What is the purpose of HLA-B27 test?
The purpose of this test is to examine the blood's HLA-B27 antigen concentration. It helps in the diagnosis of long-term pain, inflammation and degeneration of the bone, and autoimmune disorders. The test aids in the identification of HLA-B27, which is linked to several autoimmune and immune-mediated disorders.
How HLA-B27 test is carried out?
A blood sample is used for the test. Blood is drawn with a needle from a vein in your hand or arm. The collected blood sample will be sent to the laboratory for analysis.
Are there any risks involved with the HLA-B27 test?
No risks are involved with this test. It is a simple blood test procedure. You might experience a mild sting or pain when the needle pricks your arm or hand. The area could be painful thereafter. Sometimes bruising, bleeding, infections, and dizziness may occur around needle insertion.
How long should I wait for HLA-B27 results?
It depends on the testing laboratory. HLA-B27 testing needs to be done with special tools and knowledge, which is not available in every laboratory. Your blood sample will be sent to a testing laboratory, where results may take several days to arrive.
Does HLA-B27 cause low back pain?
More than 90% of people diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) carry the HLA-B27 gene and share similar traits. Sacroiliitis, low back, and hip pain that develops gradually, as well as stiffness in the morning, are all common signs of ankylosing spondylitis.