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Malaria Antigen Test

Malaria Antigen Test

Malaria, a common disease in tropical and subtropical areas is caused due to parasites Plasmodium vivax and P. falciparum. These parasites (tiny organisms that obtain nutrition by living off another organism) are passed on to humans by the bite of the female Anopheles mosquitos. Malaria begins with flu-like symptoms and progresses to life-threatening complications.

A malaria antigen test is a blood test that helps detect malaria antigens present in an infected person’s blood.

Other names of malaria antigen tests: Malaria rapid diagnostic test and malaria test

Symptoms of Malaria

A malaria antigen test is recommended if an individual suffers from malaria symptoms. These include:









Body aches

Body aches







Bloody stools

Bloody stools



Mental confusion

Mental confusion

Test preparation:

No special preparations are required to undergo malaria antigen test. Your healthcare provider will collect a sample of your blood by inserting a small needle into a vein in your arm. The blood is collected in a sterile test tube and gets tested for malarial antigens.

Please tell your doctor if you are taking any medications before undergoing the test.

Interpretation of results

Test results for malaria antigen test are usually given as either positive or negative.

A positive test result indicates that there were malarial antigens detected in your blood and it is a sign of the presence of malaria infection.

A negative test result indicates there were no malarial antigens detected in your blood sample which means there is no malaria infection


What is the turnaround time (TAT) for the malaria antigen test?

The test results for malaria antigen test are usually available within a day after the sample collection. However, it could take a little longer at times

Are there any risks associated with malaria antigen test?

No, there are no potential risks associated with malaria antigen test. It is a simple blood test and may involve negligible risks such as feeling a little sting or bruise at the site of needle insertion. It usually resolves within a few minutes to a couple of hours. Rarely, the site can become infected

Is malaria antigen test considered conclusive to confirm malaria disease?

A malaria antigen test is performed when an individual shows symptoms of malaria fever. If the test results of the malaria antigen test show positive for the presence of antigens then it should be followed with a peripheral blood smear test, a conclusive test to diagnose malaria

I have symptoms of malaria, but my test results are negative. What does it mean?

A negative test does not always mean that you do not have an infection, especially when you show symptoms of malaria. When the infection is still in its early stages, it is occasionally possible to have false-negative findings for a malaria antigen test. As there aren't many parasites in the body during the early stages of infection, there aren't many antigens in the blood of an infected person. Thus, getting a positive test result is challenging

Are there any precautionary measures that would help avoid malaria?

There are many steps that you can take to avoid getting malaria. They include,

·       Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants if you are going to be outdoors at night to avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes

·       Apply DEET (diethyltoluamide)-containing insect repellent on your skin and clothing

·       Sleep under a mosquito net

·       Screen your windows and doors, especially during the night times when mosquitos are most active

Keep your surroundings clean

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