Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Test
About Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Test
The prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test is a blood test that measures the level of Prostate-specific antigen in your blood. PSA is a protein present in the prostate gland (male reproductive gland) produced by both normal cells and cancerous cells of the prostate. Healthcare providers use this test to screen the level of PSA in your blood and detect any diseases associated with the prostate gland.
Functions of the prostate gland
- Seminal fluid production
- Nourishment and transportation of seminal fluid
- Urethral closure during ejaculation
- Regulation of male sex hormones
A PSA test is done to determine the levels of PSA in your blood. Normally the level of PSA is low in the blood which maintains healthy reproductive functions in males. Having a high PSA level might affect the prostate gland in several ways. Thus, getting your PSA test is recommended to prevent serious health conditions related to the prostate gland.
What is a PSA test used for?
PSA test is used to determine:

Prostatitis (swelling or inflammation of the prostate)

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (Enlarged prostate)

Prostate cancer

Long-term medical conditions (prostate)
Symptoms of high PSA in males

Fever or body pains

Pelvic pain

Blood in urine

Pain during urination

Pain in the scrotum

Discomfort after ejaculation
What are the tests for PSA?
The PSA test is mainly used to diagnose prostate cancer. The following types of PSA tests can be performed to determine whether a patient must undergo for biopsy or not.
Percent free PSA
The blood contains two different types of PSA. While one type is unattached and freely circulates(Free PSA), the other is attached to blood proteins(Total PSA). The percentage of free PSA (FPSA), which is measured as a percentage of total PSA, is lower in men with prostate cancer than in men without the disease.
PSA velocity
This test determines how quickly the PSA level increases over time. Men with prostate cancer have a faster increase in PSA levels than men without the disease, whose levels typically increases gradually as they age.
PSA Density
A test called PSA density (PSAD) is used to take into consideration that men with larger prostates tend to have higher PSA values. A patient is more likely to get prostate cancer if their PSAD is higher.
Age-related PSA
To predict whether prostate cancer is present or not, this test is used. Men with an age greater than 80 usually have higher PSA levels compared with younger men.
What does a PSA test measure?
Semen, the fluid that carries sperm, contains a protein called prostate-specific antigen (PSA), which is secreted by the cells of the prostate gland. The prostate-specific antigen also helps in the regulation of urine. The prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level in a man's blood is measured by a PSA test. A PSA test is used as a screening tool for prostate cancer early detection and monitoring.
When should someone get tested?
PSA test is recommended to be performed frequently for males who are at increased risk of having higher levels of PSA. The following factors can increase the risk of developing excess PSA:

Males over the age of 50

Back pain

Excessive workouts

Urinary tract infection

Blood in seminal fluid

Pain in the penis

Use of medications that may affect PSA

Erectile dysfunction
Test Preparation
The prostate-specific antigen is a simple blood test. It is recommended to avoid sex before 24 hours of sample collection. Inform your healthcare provider about your medications, physical activity and diet because all of these might be a reason for the elevated levels of PSA. It is not recommended to give a sample if you had a recent urinary infection or if you have undergone rectal examination and have given a sample for a biopsy of the prostate.
Interpretation of Results
       Age |
 Normal Range of PSA (ng/ml) |
   40-49  |
              0-2.5 |
   50-59 |
              0-3.5 |
  60- 69 |
              0-4.5 |
   70+ |
               0-6.5 |
Deviation from the normal range indicates the following:
A PSA test is used as a screening tool for prostate cancer early detection and monitoring. A higher PSA level may indicate any one of the following prostate conditions:
- Infection or inflammation of the prostate
- Enlarged benign prostate hyperplasia
- Prostate cancer
What is the significance of PSA test?
The prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level in your blood is determined by this test. The prostate is a tiny gland that lies just below the bladder in males. Both malignant and noncancerous cells in the prostate produces the protein known as PSA. Semen, which is also produced by the prostate, contains the majority of PSA. PSA normally circulates in the blood in very small quantities.
High PSA levels may be a sign of prostate cancer and can be detected by the PSA test. PSA levels can, however, also rise as a result of numerous other disorders, such as an enlarged or inflammatory prostate.
Why should I avoid sex before the PSA test?
Men shouldn't have ejaculated in the 24 hours prior to getting a PSA test. PSA levels might quickly increase due to the production of sperm during sexual activity, which could affect the test results.
What are the causes of elevated levels of PSA?
Prostate cancer can be diagnosed by a variety of risks, and elevated PSA levels can have a variety of causes. In addition, elevated PSA levels may not be a sign of prostate cancer. Age, physical activity, sexual activity, prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, medication, prostate damage, and urinary tract infections are a few of these causes.
How is the PSA test done?
The procedure for a PSA test is the same as for other common blood tests. PSA levels are determined by counting the nanograms (ng) per millilitre (mL) of blood in a laboratory using a small vial of blood that has been withdrawn from the arm.
What are the contraindications for the PSA test?
It is not advised to do testing right away after a digital rectal examination, ejaculation, prostatic massage, indwelling catheterization, ultrasound, or prostate needle biopsy because these procedures unnaturally raise PSA levels.